Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Purchases

WE GOT A FAN! It feels like I just won the lottery. Ok, I don't know how that feels, but I'm sure it's close. First of all, I never knew how much fun it could be to pick out a fan. I must be really be old and married now. But seriously, there are so many options! I met my parents at Home Depot yesterday morning, and I was there for quite a while before they got there so I had plenty of time to pick out the perfect fan. Now, you may ask why Derrick didn't go?! Well, he was working, but the other reason is because he would have wanted the fan with the most wildlife on it. And believe me, Home Depot does carry that. So, I politely left him out of the choosing :) Anyways, my dad knows about all that stuff so I wanted to make sure we got a decent one. After that, they came to our apartment and installed it! Yay! I slept so awesome last night!

While I was waiting in Home Depot, I had ample time so I ventured over to the paints. Oh yes.... I definitely picked out the colors for our non existent home. But I'm really excited about them. I've realized I love decorating. Mainly I love spending money on things, but I really do enjoy decorating. So I've already got our non existent house decorated. Now, I'm in no hurry to get a house. I love living where we do and I love not being "home alone". I have a very scared personality, if you will, so I wouldn't want to be at home alone for long. And you wouldn't want to walk into my home if I was home alone. You would be knocked out with the closest sharp/heavy thing to me. So anyways, get excited. Our house will be presh!

I also ventured to Milledgeville with Kelly on Friday to see Sarah's new place and her little Pre-K class. So cute! Both of them! And I finally got Kell's wedding gift to us!! YAY! I got a sneak peek before the wedding, but it wouldn't come in till afterwards and we haven't seen eachother since then! Anyways, it was one of those frames that spell your last name from different things outside. For example, the O is a bike tire, the E is tree branches, etc. It's perfect! And the pictures were all taken in Athens, which is where we got married, so sentimental too!

I met Derrick at the mall after getting back from Milledgeville.It was Tax Free Weekend, so basically we are idiots for going to the mall, but it wasn't too bad! Lots of people, but no lines. Anyways, I only say that to note that I am currently washing some of the shirts he got, and I had no idea how many things they put on an Oxford shirt for males. It literally took me 5 minutes to get everything off. And they hide things, too. Ugh. Maybe I should go into the packaging industry. I'd save someone a lot of time!

Derrick has been very busy lately! It is what they call the turn for the apartments, so summer people are moving out and Fall people are moving in. In the midst of all that, it is also RA/CA training, so they are training all of their new staff. So, we haven't spent much time together lately, and for the next couple weeks, it will be that way. But at least I have a FAN! I can't get over it.

Last night we went to Derrick's boss' house for dinner to kick off the new year with the staff. I guess I get to celebrate now too! yay! It was a lot of fun though. After being entertained by their small children for quite some time, we played Brain Academy on the Wii. Let's just say, that game is fun! And let's also say, Derrick and I compliment each other very well. Ha. There's this test you can take to determine what you are good at, i.e. Compute, Identify, Visualize, Analyze, etc. and it gives you a score and predicts your future career. Well, after Derrick's difficulty in the game, I was terrified he was going to be predicted to be a Custodian. But whew! He wasn't. It was consultant. Ha, that's pretty good too. Well, mine was Museum Curator. I don't even know what that means but it sounds dreadful. So I'm not going to look it up.

My efforts in a teaching job are still not looking positive. Fortunately, I have been speaking with a principal in my area and have a long term sub job starting sometime around October for Maternity Leave, so I am very excited! It is for a 3rd grade class. I also hope to be doing lots more subbing through the year, so those are my plans for now!

I'm going to try and start posting pictures of things going on, so stay tuned! Also, I'm a grammar Nazi, but I don't proofread these things, so don't judge me. But if you want me to keep posting, I'm not going to read it 10 times to be perfect! Well, that's all that's going in the Holmes' household!


  1. Photography by Joanna Hilimire! Kelly couldn't have done that alone!! Haha
