Tuesday, August 25, 2009

For My Whiny Sister

After speaking with my wonderful sister today, I could tell her feelings were quite hurt. She seems to think that Derrick is the number one priority in my life. I mean, no way. He's not my husband or anything. She seems to hate the fact that Derrick and I are a family now, too. I think she almost cried when I said she wasn't my family anymore. haha. Her feelings are hurt that I never blog when I see her. So let's get this straight. I saw her about a week ago when she and her boyfriend came over when they were in Dahlonega. All we did was sit on the couch and talk, but apparently you all need to know this. And on Friday night, before Derrick's birthday dinner, I saw her and the rest of my family for approximately 5 minutes, to pick up Derrick's surprise Braves tickets, and apparently you all should know that too. Let's see.... I talked to her today. I talked to her 3 days ago, I talked to her 5 days ago. WHINY!

Leslie thinks this blog is all about me and Derrick. HELLO! I guess she didn't read the titles. Leslie isn't where the heart is.

This is me professing my never-ending love for my family, all of them :)

Happy, Leslie?!


  1. HAAAA!!!! This is funny!
    same as my blog, its all about numero uno!
    and in your case, numero uno just happens to be two people
    I do, however, support a mention of noteable people in your life. I mean, your kids who read this in a few years... yes few, ha... will like to know about the other people in your life as well. esp those who have a profound impact - maybe that's why I WAS mentioned in the very first posting! Chuh Ching!

  2. We are still family... psh!? Hahahahaha

  3. Leslie, it'll be ok. I understand. :D
