Saturday, October 3, 2009

Catching Up

Whew... what a whirlwind it has been these past couple weeks! I am glad, in one way, cause it means I am doing something besides sitting around and blogging, but sad in another, because I don't get to sit around and blog :) I'd much rather be busy! School is still going great. Finally into my schedule and am loving it. Work is going well for Derrick, so we have been good!

Last weekend, we went to my parents house to celebrate my brothers birthday! Played a little rockband, Derrick took a little nap, and then we came home! That was on Sunday. On Saturday, I took the MAT, which I could barely decipher, ugh, and Derrick had to work an event. So to relieve my frustration with the MAT, I went shopping :) I quickly forgot about it!

Last night, Derrick and I went out to dinner, which was nice! Today, we tried to sleep it, but our bodies don't realize it's Saturday, so we woke up about 8:30. Not happy! Derrick cooked us breakfast, which was also wonderful, and then we took a nap. ha! Which was better than sleeping in. Anyways, we got up, I started cleaning, since it's practically impossible now that I have a job, and Derrick joined a while after. We got everything cleaned very well, and then took our cars to wash and vacuum! I have never used one of the Do-It-Yourself ones, until today! It was quite interesting. I enjoyed it, but I felt like I had to go so fast! I wanted to have a water fight, but it wasn't worth $5! So now our apartment and our cars are clean! I love that! If only I could make Derrick love that :)

I think that's about it. Nothing very interesting going on here recently! Maybe soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I didn't know you had a blog! I love the background:) Will look forward to your posts:)
