Saturday, September 19, 2009


So apparently having a real job does affect my ability to blog. But nevertheless, I will continue to update when I can keep my eyes open! I can't even remember what we did last weekend! I'm sure it was way fun and exciting though, and by way fun and exciting I mean we probably stayed home and enjoyed each other's company. I have still been pretty tired after school, but a friend and I have been going to a new workout class... ZUMBA. I love it! For anyone who does not know what that is, it's like a dance class, but the moves are workout moves. It's awesome.

We did finish painting the cornhole sets last weekend, I guess that's what we did :) They look awesome! I should post a pic but I don't feel like it!

I know something good happened that I was going to blog about it, but my mind is drawing a blank! Oh well!

We had our first small group on Monday night, and it went great. Can't wait to dig in with this group and really learn each other's hearts! It's going to be exciting!

My car has recently been acting funny, which is unusual, so I was getting nervous. Well, I was driving on Wednesday and it just died. In the middle.of.the.road. Luckily no one was directly behind me, but it took me 4 times to get it going again. So we took it to the shop on Wednesday night, where they told me that is a really hard problem to diagnose becuase they typically need it to fail for them. Well, come Thursday they can't get it die. They call me mid-afternoon and tell me and ask to keep it again. We agree and are hoping they can figure it out. So, in the meantime, I am driving Derrick's truck. Now, first of all, I was not happy about this. I was very fortunate I was able to, don't get me wrong, but I hate that truck. I'm just not used to driving it I guess I should say. But thank God I didn't have to walk, which actually isn't an option, but anyways, you get the idea. So on Thursday night, I drive to the gym cause it's raining and the truck is making the most awful sound you have ever heard. It was literally squealing at me. I assumed it was just making the noise inside the car, but that thought quickly vanished as I was driving around the Drill Field and people were turning to see what robot was coming towards them. Talk about putting a bag over your head! I always feel so sorry for those people, but sometimes find myself aggravated cause it's always very loud and annoying, and now, I am one of them. Great :) So, of course, after my workout, there's no getting around driving it back, since it is the only car we currently have. So, here I am, driving back, the looks more annoyed this time, and I finally make it there. Well, I let Derrick know there is a dying animal trapped somewhere in his truck, and make him go look at it. Well, he already figured it was his power-steering cause the hose has a leak. Well, I think that power-steering is a luxury and I'm just going to have to deal with the noise. In my head, I was already scheming my way out of having to drive it the next morning. Well, lucky for me, it is a luxury, but if you have it, it must be maintained. So, Derrick has a friend get said fluid and he fixes it! Yay! So on Friday, the shop calls me and they got my car to die, have the part in stock, and after playing phone tag for a couple hours, my car is fixed. $230 later, but fixed! Praise the Lord! Just so happy they were able to locate the problem. So, now I am driving my wonderful vehicle again, no squealing ones :)

I am also eating meat again. I know, I know. And I must say I am more tired because of it, but I am still doing it. But I do try to keep my mind open to other things.

Lately, I have really begun to see Derrick and my lives meshing together. It so neat to see us really becoming one. I can't really explain it, I guess, but it makes for interesting moments! Maybe it's cause I actually have a life now that I am employed. woo! Which is still going great. I really enjoy it. The 6th graders are definitely interesting, but I feel sorry for them because I HATED middle school. They keep me on my toes, that's for sure.

Quick story to tell: I was talking to one of my 4th graders Friday morning, and he wasn't being cooperative so I said, "tell me a story." He wouldn't comply, and I kept jokingly begging him, and it quickly became a game. Well, I guess he had had enough because after one time of begging he replied, "once upon a time, there was this teacher who wouldn't leave me alone. The end." Gotta love kids! It was pretty funny... I won't lie.

This weekend has been quite eventful so far. I decided I wanted highlights, but wanted to save money and could do them myself. I have done this numerous times in the past, with highlight and coloring, so no big deal. After the many years and only one bad outcome, the odds are against me. or with me. I don't know the right one to say. Anyways, let's just say the only thing that ended up odd was my hair. I was literally.a.blonde! It was bad. So after my sweet husband and helped me pull my hair through the cap, and when I say helped, he did, however, this was his first experience so it took FOREVER! I was getting very impatient but tried to stay quiet. So after the hours it took, I had to let him know there was no way around doing it all again with dark color. So at 1am, we head to Wal-Mart for my hair dye. And of course ended up with some other things, because who doesn't pick up what they need when they are there? regardless of the time. So with my bad dye job on head, I'm prancing around Wal-Mart at 1am. Well, we get home and get started on dye job #2. Thank goodness it came out ok! I had already planned to make a trip to the hair salon. So Derrick was welcomed into the married life officially at 3am this morning when it all ended and we were finally able to go to sleep!

Today we went to Fall Festival at my new school and looked around, came home, ate lunch. Now, Derrick has some friends over, whom have all currently gone to eat wings and watch some football, I took a little nap while they were here for about an hour or so, and I'm sure they will all be back soon for some more football! I don't mind, though. He needs someone to be as interested in the game as he is. We all know that wouldn't be me. Unless you call interested falling asleep, then I definitely enjoy it :)

That's all for now! I'll try to update more through the week! Oh, and I'm taking the MAT on Saturday, the 26th, pray for me! I'll post about grad school stuff later, but it may be in the works!

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