Friday, January 22, 2010

Just Breathe

I keep trying to tell myself.... just breathe. I'm not even sure I've had time to breathe these last couple weeks! Grad school has started for us both, and I won't lie, it's been rough! Not that classes are hard, but for me, I leave for school at 6:45, ok ok, 7:00, and I don't come get back in the door till 10 pm. It's ridiculous. Especially since I'm a big sleeper, and 10 is just too late for me when I have to get up so early! I am running on empty most days, and wait for my weekends when I can sleep! Derrick and I see each other for all of 20 minutes a day. When I walk in, I'm exhausted, get things ready for the next day, and hit the sack. I must say how grateful I am for Derrick lately, too, because he knows how OCD I am about the cleanliness of our apartment, and he is doing spectacular in keeping it in order. I think he's just avoiding using the kitchen at all, in hopes of not having to clean it, but whatever he's doing, I'm ok with it! Even if it involves only eating $1 Totino's pizzas. Derrick has lots of reading to do, which is not very motivating for him, but he's doing great! You wouldn't be motivated if you saw the size of his book either. My classes will slow down in a couple of weeks, so I am anxiously awaiting!

I also started doing my hospital homebound this week for a kid. It's been fun! A little stressful trying to fit the time in, but I have great administration, so they are working with me! I can usually fit it in between little kid school and grad school, which is great! But I do ask you pray for this child in his recovery. He's doing great, but he's so young, and it dealing with more than any of us could imagine!

Other than that, not a lot is happening. My sister's wedding is quickly approaching and I'm excited! Lots of changes going on for them, and it's fun!

Till next time, enjoy!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The word Nugget may mean an array of different things to you. When I think of nugget, I think, Chick-Fil-A, most importantly! I also think jewelry, like the pendants. I'm sure I could muster up quite a few other meanings. But in this house, a nugget has a whole different meaning. One I'm even slightly embarrassed to blog about.

There is a tale, that in the little town of Dahlonega, that if you reside here for more than 4 years, you are deemed a Nugget. Now, I went to college here for 4 years. So I was quickly approaching my allotted time before I would have the name. But after marrying someone who works for the college, I had no way of escaping my destiny!

Before I continue, have you know that I love this little town. Derrick, too! I mean, he loves it, too. However, I rely on the cities of Gainesville and Cumming to stay in their respective areas and continue to grow. But with both of those towns nearby, I'm great! Dawsonville even grants me my sanity from time to time. So, I am in no way, hating on this town. It is also a town of many classes. As in, high class and low class. Unfortunately, the term nugget is seems to be more deemed to those in the poor class. I'm fairly nervous to blog about what all being a nugget entails. Just use your imagination :) One hint..... shoes, in this town, are not a must.

So, on to the story. It was time for Derrick and I to get our new tags. We had been putting this off for quite some time, seeing as how neither of us were anxious to have "LUMPKIN" plastered all over the back of our vehicles. No matter what you drive, if Lumpkin is on the back, there is just a stigma attached. It has been an ongoing joke with our families, as well. Unfortunately, we could no longer put it off. Honestly, I think God is getting a little chuckle out of it, after my years of poking fun. Actually, he probably wouldn't call us that. I think it's kinda derogatory! But funny, nonetheless.

Moral of the story..... We are officially nuggets. Life, as we know it, will never be the same :) Unless of course, Lumpkin is plastered over the back of my future Toyota Sequoia!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings

Well, it has been quite a while, but we have been very busy! Trying to tie ends up before the holidays for everyone is quite the feat, and we were no exception! From work, to shopping, to many other things, we had a lot going on!

This year, we were able to celebrate Christmas with both families, which is always a blessing! We started Christmas Eve at my parent's house and had Christmas morning, and by morning, I mean 4am, because that's when my brother got up! And ventured to Derrick's neck of the woods for Christmas afternoon. And of course, we were spoiled with gifts! We both got to spend time with some of our best friends on different occasions, so that's always fun!

In new news, Derrick and I will both be beginning our Master's programs this month. Excited? Not really. But nonetheless, we'll be getting paid more! For me, if I don't do it now, I never will. And luckily, Stephanie and another teacher-friend will be accompanying me, so I won't be so lonely. The first few weeks will be very busy with an Orientation class I have to attend, as well as my Hospital Homebound teaching starting, but I know it will go fast!

I ask for prayers as I embark on the job search process again. In the next couple of months, I will have to begin the application process again and am not very excited, but I am eager to see what is in store as far as teaching goes. Parapro-ing is fine for now, but it's not where I want to be for much longer!

But most importantly, no rats have been sighted (or heard) in this apartment since my last post! SUCCESS!